Active yesterdayWhat do you do?Sometimes that nemesis insomnia can hit us, What do you do when you aren’t able to sleep?...Reactions0reactionsComments18 repliesCopingSleep
Active 6 days agoRelatable Pain ScaleA NP I was seeing gave me the following pain scale to make it easier for me to understand where my pain was, and to help my medical professionals understand...Reactions0reactionsComments107 repliesCopingJoint PainSymptoms
Active 6 days agoProtecting Your PeaceThe holidays have rolled in and the stress level can be high. So you have any tips to protect your peace and not stress during the holiday season? One tip...Reactions0reactionsComments358 repliesCopingMental HealthTips & Advice
FeaturedIntroduce yourself to the communitySometimes the only people who understand are others who are living with lupus. Your story may really help someone else. Tell us about: 1 fact about your life with lupus...Reactions0reactionsComments223 repliesAwarenessCoping
Shame and GuiltDo you have shame or guilt when needing to rest?...Reactions0reactionsComments146 repliesCoping
Fatigue!There isn't a thing you can do to improve fatigue. I sometimes get up feeling fatigued! But usually I'm good waking up and getting out of bed. My days start...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesFatigueCoping
Hello!Hello Everyone! My name is Pamela (Pam). I am 43 years old and I was diagnosed with SlLE lupus at 16 but got sick at 15. I was born with...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAnxietyBrain FogCoping
Say it to yourselfIf you could tell your pre-diagnosis self something that can help you today, what would it be?...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingTips & Advice
My diagnosis 24 years agoMy diagnosis of Lupus 24 years ago wasn't easy at first. It all started in class during my senior year of high school. My government teacher saw I was fatigued...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesCopingDiagnosis
Recovery After holidaysWhat are your recovery techniques after the holiday? What do you do to get back to a normal routine?...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesCopingTips & Advice