My diagnosis of Lupus 24 years ago wasn't easy at first. It all started in class during my senior year of high school. My government teacher saw I was fatigued in class one day and I told her I was tired and it was wrong. I did get concerned and told my mom this. I didn't want to get it checked out at first and mom got me to do it following two more symptoms of it. I did see a specialist having a test done which came up as Lupus. The tough part was being told I have Lupus and was in the dumps at first. Parents convinced me not let it hold me back. At age 18, I thought it would never happen to me. It did get better day by day. I was also tormented from it too, bullies thought it was contagious with me giving it to someone else and learned this wasn't true. At age 42, I am amazed that I don't let this hold me back. I live a good life to this day and one inspiration is my husband of 19 years who has been there for support.