After Flare Self-CareIt's hard sometimes to bounce back after flaring for a period of time. What are some of your essential self-care needs after recovering from a flare?...Reactions0reactionsComments28 repliesCopingTips & Advice
Managing Lupus when Treatment Isn't SimpleWhat are your experiences managing lupus when treatment advice isn't clear or you don't have the necessary resources? What helps you get through the day?...Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesTips & Advice
New to thisSorry to be nosey, but what is the thing that works best for this condition that you use, or do. Thanks I appreciate it....Reactions0reactionsComments139 repliesTips & AdviceCoping
NeurologistHi everyone, I'm curious if a neurologist can refer an ANA blood test to test for lupus? Or can only a rheumatologist? Thanks...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTips & Advice
Keep my spoonsI got a key chain with 14 little spoons. I start with 14 and I stop when I hit 10 but keep in the back of my mind I make...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwarenessTips & AdviceBrain Fog
Taking notes to the doctor.I always have notes for my doctors about my health status and requests I have. Usually way too many! And I've always felt that I should write them on paper...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesBrain FogTips & AdviceHealthcare Team
Swelling in my feet and legs Does anyone have trouble with swelling in your feet and legs if so what do the Dr's do for you is this a flare up...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesSymptomsTips & Advice
Cart T-Cell Therapy for Lupus/AutoimmuneAfter taking over a decade to diagnose, and now having lived with Lupus for a number of years, which in my case caused Interstitial Lung Disease, Lupus Nephritis, Fibro, and...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesResearch & Clinical TrialsTreatmentTips & Advice
Uncontrolled movementHas anyone had issues with uncontrolled body movements? I catch my toes constantly moving up and down and have hand spasms....Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesSymptomsTips & Advice
What are signs and symptoms of lupusI was diagnosed 5 or 6 years ago with moderate lupus. I've been hurting for a long long time but didn't associated with that because I really don't know anything...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesTips & AdviceSymptoms