, well, I'm kinda in the same boat as you are. The rheumatologist I see now isn't very helpful. So, I'm looking for another one. But, I am being proactive about looking too. Good luck!
Geri Rodriguez Member
Last Updated:
Hi @reggiehall and @lisamarie42
When I was first diagnosed I went to see multiple rheumatologists and got various second opinions. I also researched so many things online. As patients if something isnt clear, dont be afraid to ask questions and demand the proper treatmemnt. - Geri (lupus.net, team member)
Racquel H. Dozier Member
Last Updated:
I look to tuning into my body and different lupus support groups for some direction. It's hard to find the right doctor for you so you have to really keep searching. I hope you found a doctor to help you out. ~Racquel~ lupus.net team member
Rose Butman Member
Last Updated:
Treatment for me got tricky when the rheumatologist discovered I also have G6 hereditary blood disease which means I cannot take any of the malaria type sulfur drugs that are normally prescribed so now we are trying an anti-rejection drug
Rose Butman Member
Last Updated:
IGG infusions, antihistamines, steroid creams, tumeric, D3, Cymbalta and now the anti rejection drug ….and medical marijuana to help with insomnia
Racquel H. Dozier Member
Last Updated:
tumeric is amazing I do shots of a combination of turmeric orange juice cayenne pepper and ginger that helps with so much. Thanks for sharing your treatments ~Racquel~ lupus.net team member
Rose Butman Member
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I have been on it two weeks now and having blood checked once a week I had a good day last week where I recognized myself but it only lasted a day Hopefully this will help with flares Just got back from my IGG infusions at hematologist I had been treated for auto Immune this way for years and it also helps with lupus I was just diagnosed with lupus a year ago I am 70 and it forced me to retire
Racquel H. Dozier Member
Last Updated:
Good days are always a plus. I hope it all continues to work for you. It’s hard being newly diagnosed and having to stop working. Gentle hugs to you. ~Racquel ~ lupus.net team member
Rose Butman Member
Last Updated:
yes the infusions help a lot and also help to prevent infections