Hi. I am new here. I was diagnosed with UCTD fifteen years ago--after positive ANA (homogeneous and speckled patterns), positive anti-dsdna, and positive Lupus anticoagulant and Anticardiolipin. I did well on Plaquenil for years. Fast forward to new job and new rheumatologist. He thought I was in remission and seemed to question the original diagnosis. He convinced me to try going off Plaquenil. I have a problem now that may not be related, but I am in the process of getting referral to a new rheumatologist just in case--and to have someone I trust. I have chronic low back pain, sometimes appears to also be SI joint. I cannot sleep more nights than not. 3-4 hours if I am lucky. My last creatinine was good, though for years I've been a little high compared to most my age. But stable. No protein or other issues. I could be wrong, but don't think my pain is caused by my kidneys. Anyone else experience something like this? Any words of wisdom as I prepare for visit with new doctor? Thank you for this community.