Hi I have recently seen a rheumatologist for the first time after symptoms that I thought may be lupus. I keep getting out on antihistamines and steroids. The lumps, rash and joint pain reduces for 3 days then I have a big flare up that’s persistent. I have not had a day without symptoms for nearly 5 months now and I am exhausted.
The rheumatologist told me that my ANA is negative although pathology have said it’s positive and crp has been consistently elevated. I have 3 different types of rashes, one of which I agree is hives, but the other two are not.
I am at a loss as to what to do. Any advice or help would be very much appreciated.
Current symptoms:
Joint swelling and pain (knees, hands, wrists, elbows, feet and ankles).
Flat ringworm like rash (darker)
Raised coin shaped rash (not itchy)
Hives (itchy)
Facial swelling - eyes and cheeks and chin, sometimes lips
Increased tiredness
Struggling to find words
Forgetting everyday things
Chest pain that comes from the back
Feeling flushed
Night sweats
Currently taking:
37.5mg steroids (on 6th day) to be reduced to 25mg for a week then 12.5mg for a week the 12.5mg every other day for a week.
20 mg Zyrtec in the morning
25mg phenergan at night (to replace 20mg Zyrtec as prescribed as it helps me sleep)
I don’t get the malaria rash specifically as seen in pics but the swelling and rash does appear across the cheeks nose and chin.
I am currently waiting for further blood results and mri’s on both hands and wrists.
Current suspected diagnosis: