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Feels like a recurring virus, but could it be lupus?

Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with systemic lupus over 10 years ago. I am wondering about a problem I have had for the last several years. I commonly get sick with what feels just like a virus. Sicky sore throat, sicky-feeling malaise, fatigue, headache and a feverish feeling come with this. This usually only lasts for between one and three days.

I know that all of these things are common lupus symptoms, but this really feels exactly like when I get a virus except without any congestion. It happens so often, a lot of times once a week or once every two weeks, and no one else in my family ever gets it, and it goes away more quickly than viruses normally do. So I am wondering if it could be from my lupus and not viruses at all.

Have any of you experienced this? I appreciate any feedback!

  1. for me lupus always feels like I have the flu, a cold, a stomach bug, allergies and everything else in between. Some days it can truly feel like a virus, other days like a truck ran me over with relentless pain and fatigue. In my experience it’s normal but I always check with my doctor just in case. I used to hate calling him for everything but it keeps my mind at ease to know it may just be a flare instead of a virus. I hope my experience sheds some light on it. Sending you gentle hugs for those hard days. ~Racquel~ team member

    1. seems that I have some scar tissue from previous c/section, which must be a source of inflammation, as I get symptoms typical of a uti, but tests negative. It seems that it is how I “flare”. I feel exhausted and seem to have all the bladder symptoms, but do not have any infection. It is weird. I stay really hydrated, which helps. Hang tough, don’t give it power.

    2. Interesting. I'm so glad you are in tune to your body to know exactly what feels off and what feels right. It is so important in helping and advocating for ourselves. ~Racquel~ team member

  2. Hey dear I feel you should consult your doctor be positive follow all the instructions by your doctor and you will be all fine don't worry hope it helps you in any way have a good day and take care.

    1. Thanks for all the replies. They definitely give me some more understanding. I am usually able to keep almost all of my lupus symptoms away by staying away from foods and chemicals that I am sensitive to. But this has been a very stressful year, and that seems to be making me more sick, even though my test results have been good. Thanks for the advice!

      1. , We hear you, stress is the silent enemy and nearly impossible to escape! I hope some of these responses help a bit. Keep us in the loop! Sending hugs
        Gabby (team member)

    2. I to also get those symptoms..almost every one to to weeks ..I get really sick aswell I actually throw up once or twice most weeks ... .it's such a terrible feeling .. but I still haven't been diagnosed with lupus waiting to see a blood specialist.xc best wishes to you

      1. , I'm sorry for the pain and discomfort you have been experiencing without answers. I hope the blood specialist is able to run some tests and get you some clarity soon so you can start figuring out the right treatment plan for you!
        Gabby (team member)

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