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Help me, Lupus patient with questions

Hey. I’m new here so I don’t know how this really works, so bare with me. I was diagnosed with Lupus and Sjogren’s syndrome. After years of going through absolute misery. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. If I went out in the sun, I’d be sick in the bed vomiting for a week or two after. It took years before I was smart enough to realize it was the sun causing it. I go through these periods of feeling so bad. I’m on meds bt I really need someone to help me understand. Not all my symptoms are found on the web. Anyone with some experience with this willing to help me?

  1. Hi ,
    Welcome to the community!
    We're glad you found us.
    As we wait for others to chime in with their personal experiences, I thought I'd share a few articles that may provide some helpful information: and
    In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out with any specific questions or concerns.
    My best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. I have both as well. Hospital for over a month in 2014, not dx'd for sure until 2016. On plaquenel and methotrexate (shot once a week) everyday I wonder what lupus/sjogrens is gonna have in store for me. I've become a lump in my chair. Pain is horrible. Have arthritis in neck, shoulders, hands, hips, lower back and feet.

      1. -Hi Vicki,
        Thanks so much for being a part of this community and sharing your experience.
        Living in Arizona must be extra challenging.
        Have the fusions provided some relief? ~Doreen (Team Member)

      2. So sorry to hear of all the issues. I hope you can find ways to get out some even if it's just for a walk to the mailbox. I know it can be so hard with the pain. I hope today is a better day for you. ~Racquel~ Team Member

    2. Hi
      Amy Tay some of us will have storage symptoms that really can't be explained. When I use to run this was before my diagnosis I would have pain on my left rib I still do today I found out four years later I have colongenous colitis it was a symtoms even before I was diagnosed with lupus and bowel symptoms yikes ouch I don't google often anymore I mostly rely on drs and groups like this. This probably doesn't help much hugs to you💜

      1. Thanks for sharing. We are happy you found us. Do you have any side effect from any of your medications. I love the hashtag #lupusstrong. ~Racquel~ Team Member

      2. As of right now no side effects from the Plaquenil. The Acterma does cause me to have a headache a few days before it’s due and I do my injection. I’ll take that compared to the sides effects of another I was on. Thank you, we’re lupus strong along with a few others.

    3. If your on meds, or even if you're not. Sun is not your friend. I have to wear long sleeves 🙁

      1. I can agree with this so much. I hate being fully covered bc a it looks silly, but b it saves from the sun. But I think it also makes me hotter faster. So it’s 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of another. Lupus lives to make out lives miserable I feel sometimes.

        Amber B, RN ( team moderator)

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