Me, Lupus, and ScleritisThere is so much more to lupus than meets the eye. I mean literally, lupus can meet your eyes and have an effect on them. Not only can the medicines...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Metabolic Changes in People With LupusA new international study published in the journal Rheumatology has shown that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to metabolic syndrome in lupus. Vitamin D is an important hormone for...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Stigma of Explaining Lupus to OthersThe stigma of explaining lupus to others can be overwhelming sometimes because they don’t know what you go through daily. I have some people that call me most of the...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Practicing Wellness To Protect Your Lupus Life, Part 1Do you ever feel like you aren’t well as you battle lupus? Does it feel like everything is coming at you all at once and just wearing you down? At...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Quality of LifeThe quality of life becomes precious to anyone from birth to old age, but when you have a condition that attacks your norm, everything becomes more serious. I find myself...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Lupus and Avascular NecrosisInflammation caused by lupus can impact all parts of your body, even your bones. One common health condition that happens along with lupus is the bone disease avascular necrosis. When...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
It’s Important to Forgive YourselfHave you ever felt guilty for not being able to do something because of lupus? Has your guilt caused you some undue stress? How about just being hard on yourself...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Why You Need a Lupus Role ModelWhen I first became sick with lupus, I was a twenty-year-old college student majoring in music performance. My life was filled with books and exams, orchestra rehearsals, and practicing the...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Facing Ignorance While Living With LupusOwning a handicap sticker should not cause you to feel shame. Some disabilities are not visible, so sometimes others will think you don’t deserve that spot as much as they...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Misdiagnosis and Other Conditions Alongside LupusAs the saying goes, lupus invites all its friends to the party – or in this case, the body. Our 2nd Lupus In America survey gave us a more detailed...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Footwear and ClothingThere are different seasons for different clothing’s but especially for people living with lupus. I learned that a long time ago when I started to have discoid lupus. When I...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Living Past Stigma In Your Lupus BattleOh, you have lupus? What is that, cancer? I knew someone that had that and she didn’t take all those medications you take. She just ate vegetables and was fine...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
My Diagnosis Story, Part 1I was first diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune disease when I was 22. But like many people with invisible illnesses, it took a long time to finally figure out why...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Domestic Violence and LupusI met someone with lupus today, and I will not disclose her name for her privacy, but she told me that I could tell her story. Domestic violence is a...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
That Time Steroids Made Me Crave Cheese-Flavored Ice CreamIt was 11 pm on a Friday night, and I was stalking the frozen food section of my local grocery store. Like King Arthur searching for the Holy Grail, I...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Lupus and GeneticsLupus being genetic is a real thing. My mother also has lupus but my sisters have not been diagnosed with it. My middle sister has been experiencing symptoms of it...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
4 Reasons Why Fibromyalgia May Be More Harmful Than You ThinkWhat is fibromyalgia? Is it a disorder, a syndrome, an autoimmune disease, or a neurological condition? Is it a result of carrying too much extra weight? I certainly don’t agree...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Connection Between Lupus and NMOSDPeople with lupus can have other autoimmune diseases. One or more other autoimmune diseases appeared in 30 percent of people with lupus in a study published in 2000. Further research...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
I Prefer a Female OBGYNI now completely understand the reasons why I chose female OBGYN’s instead of males. I used to not understand why until I met a man and completely stopped going to...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Lupus and My Struggle with Revenge Bedtime ProcrastinationThe year of the pandemic has brought us few experiences outside of our homes, but certainly many new words and phrases. "Zooming," "lockdown," and "work from home" have all become...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments