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Working with lupus

Hello all,
I have been off of work for about a month now. Doctors' office said they would reevaluate me in August. I am 63 years old, and my current job is quite physical. I have noticed over the years that it was becoming more and more difficult. I attributed it just getting older and then there was the heart attack and now the lupus diagnosis. My employer has already replaced me and said they would have something for me to do if I return. I am not sure how to handle any of this and I am becoming overwhelmed. I will be 64 in December and with everything I have going on I question if it is worth going back to my current employer. Sorry for whining, just looking for some feedback. I hope everyone has a great 4th of July.

  1. , Please, don't apologize. Lupus gets in the way of employment and work options for so many, you are not alone. I'm sorry that you have been treated this way by your employers and have not gotten the clarity from doctors that you deserve. Please know that you do have rights for workplace accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as someone living with lupus. I'll include a link with some of that information if you are interested in reading more: We are here to listen and support you along the way. Sending gentle hugs,
    Gabby (team member)

    1. Gabby,
      Thank you very much for the info, it will be very helpful. The next few months will be interesting for me.
      Tim D

      1. So sorry you are dealing with this difficult decision. No apologies needed. It can be so difficult stopping working due to health challenges. When I had to stop working it was a blow to my ego but a blessing to my body. I had to learn how to live off the fixed income of disability and find other ways to supplement that would be okay with my body. In the end you have to do what is best for your body and will allow you to live well beyond lupus. I know how overwhelming it is. I have felt the same way. Good luck in your decision and just follow your heart and what is healthiest for your body. ~Racquel~ lupus team member

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