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Traveling with Lupus

The holidays can be a time of fun, but can also be physically and mentally exhausting. Not all folks living with a chronic health condition are able to safely travel, but for those who are, it can be especially stressful and draining trying to coordinate plans while staying healthy. Does anyone have tips or advice for traveling safely while living with lupus?

  1. I don't travel often, but when I do I make sure I am dressed comfortably. I pack my patience and I always have my medications in my carryon. The most important thing I do If traveling alone, is carry a list of diagnoses I have, medications I take, allergies I have, and emergency contacts. It can be really stressful, but preparation is the key. ~Racquel~ team member

    1. Great tips. But so hard, especially if flying long distances to get a direct flight in the US.

      1. , you're quite right! Unless you are traveling from one major hub to another (like, New York City to Los Angeles), it can be pretty darned hard to find direct flights for longer distances. It's doable, but not easy. And definitely not always cheap!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

      2. That is so true. And if you don't live in a large city it's even harder. It's getting super expensive as well. Thanks for that. ~Racquel ~ team member

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