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Raynaud’s disease (also known as Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's phenomenon) is a condition in which the tips of the fingers or toes turn white, blue, red, or purple when exposed to cold temperatures. Symptoms also include pain, numbness, and tingling. As we approach cooler weather, Raynaud's is especially relevant for many of those living with lupus. Is anyone here living with Raynaud's? If you can relate, what is something people do not understand about Raynaud's syndrome?

  1. That it can happen anytime no matter the season etc, if I get cold at all. The pain can sometimes be very intense!!

    1. Thanks for chiming in. I'm sorry you experience this regardless of the change in seasons/temperature. Have you found anything that helps provide some relief?
      ~Doreen (Team member)

    2. Absolutely. It is no respecter of seasons or how hard it comes on. ~Racquel ~ team member

  2. This is like super late…but I get it anytime I’m cold, too. I think stress plays a role because when I’m really stressed, it seems to get triggered more easily.
    It can also happen to feet.

    1. Life happens, and sometimes stressful things are thrown my way, I can't change that. But I'm able to change how I react to those things. One of my medications causes coordination problems. If I get stressed, and start panicking and rushing through something, my coordination goes downhill in a hurry. So, so frustrating! If I go about completing things in a slow, steady manner, not only do I finish more quickly, I end up less stressed. Slowing down and being patient with myself has helped me in so many ways. Thank you for making a drug with a crappy side-effect. There's a high degree of sarcasm in the previous statement 😉

    2. , it sounds like you have a great approach!
      Like they say; slow and steady wins the race!
      Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

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