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Possible Lupus diagnosis

Hello Everyone! I joined this group as I am waiting to get into a Rheumatologist next month. I wanted to just kind of run my issues and symptoms by everyone as you are the experts.

Shortly after I delivered my baby 7 months ago, I began having some joint pain. I chalked it up to be post partum issues. It started with pain when walking up my steps and getting up after sitting for a while. It progressively got worse. My feet began to feel like I had been walking for hours all day everyday. My fingers aches and the joints so sore I would just rub and rub them. My mobility decreased dramatically so that is when my Dr. did ANA and it was positive.

First I suspected Rheumatoid Arthritis sinply because I did not have the butterfly rash, but she tested for that and my labs were normal. I do however get sun rashes/sores.

I am 36 years old. Here are my symptoms based on the time of onset.

-Sun rashes on arms, neck, and sides of face. Burning type rash, scabs over in spots. I have scars from this yesrs beach trip on my arms. I thought I was actually allergic to the sun. After thr rash appears and I go back into the sun it is un bearable and miserable.

- Joint pain beginning end of pregnancy and postpartum as I mentioned above. Stiffness upon activity after being inactive for a while.

- low grade fevers about every 2 to 3 weeks lasting for about 4 days. Normally between 99.5 and 100.5. Never has been higher that 101.

- Sores on tongue/inside cheeks/inside lips that happen every 2 weeks or so along with fever. Last one i had on my tongue I couldnt even talk normally because of the pain. Nose sores as well and they are worse than the mouth sores. Most of the time I can not even touch my nose or squeeze my nostrils together because it's too painful, raw, and dry.

-Easily to strain muscles in back.

Any input would be greatly appreciated as I wait to get into the Rheumatologist. I don't know what to expect. Based on all these symptoms, what testing would they do? Any? My husband is convinced I am just un healthy and out of shape. I am 5'5 and 140 pounds. Normally about 128, but I had a baby in June and still working on losing some.

Thank you all so much for listening to me babble.

  1. Hi, and welcome!

    First off, congratulations on your little one! And, as a woman who has birthed four babies, let me say that you are doing great. Please don't think you are out of shape or unhealthy. You grew and birthed a human being and that takes a huge toll on the body. It takes awhile for your body to bounce back, as it should! Please don't rush your body as it adjusts. You're doing just fine, Mama!

    As far as the symptoms you are experiencing, well, with a positive ANA, that tends to show that you might be dealing with an autoimmune condition. And you say RA has been ruled out. I think your appointment next month with the Rheumatologist could be really helpful for you as you and the doctor narrow down which autoimmune condition you might be dealing with. I cannot give you a diagnosis, for your safety. But, I can say that many of your symptoms match up with symptoms of Lupus -- As far as testing goes, here's some information on the usual battery of tests used to diagnose Lupus -- I hope this helps and please know we're here for you, so please feel free to ask any questions you may have as you wait for your appointment. We're happy to help in any way we can.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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