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Hi I am Colleen Torres
I am new at this forum,
I have been living with Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's & Osteoarthritis for a while now. The pain is getting intolerable. I'm miserable and I don't like the person I've become.
What does everyone take for pain that gives you relief?
Also, a lot of people in my other support group recommend infrared sauna. But I am not sure if it is going to work also I need to know the cost.
Please share your experience about infrared sauna?
Thank you!
Geri Rodriguez Member
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Hi @colleentorres I am so sorry you are experiencing that. While you may get feedback from the community on personal experience, it’s important to note that treatments can work differently for different people. We definitely encourage you to speak with a doctor or specialist, if you haven’t already, about your treatment-related decisions, and we commend you for reaching out to the community as well. We hope you get all the information you’re looking for! - Geri (, Team Member)
Racquel H. Dozier Member
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Racquel H. Dozier Member
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Amber Blackburn, RN Member
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Amber ( team moderator)
WandaWow111 Member
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I have intolerable pain "Waves" as I call them, they come out of nowhere and go from a 0 to a 10 accompanied by a migraine. I sometimes vomit but I'm in bed with tears streaming down my face wishing I would just die already. So yes the pain! It completely wipes me out. I was diagnosed and got a letter in the mail with my results from blood work telling me I didn't need to be seen for another year! I take 3-4 antihistamines, 1 muscle relaxer, (Tizanidine), 3 rapid release Tylenol, 1 Imitrex (sumatriptan) migraine medication and 1 tablet of dissolve under the tongue nausea medication called Ondansetron. I fall asleep for about 1-2 hours and wake up and it's either all gone or down to a level 2-3 and tolerable. It works nearly Everytime and have been doing this for 6 years as I've been misdiagnosed for 18 and to damn near every specialist out there. After time you figure out what works and what doesn't. Although I hate taking pills and do as much natural healing through supplements and eating good. I'm disabled by all this and HAVE to get relief after days on end or cycling pain waves or I wouldn't be alive texting this. Yes it's that bad, and no this isn't me feeling sorry for myself. Take Care.
GabbyFormica Community Admin
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Sending warm thoughts your way,
Gabby ( team member)
CommunityMember955801 Member
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Hi diagnosed in 2013 I finally found a dr in 2022 who is my earth angel. My regiment of meds keep flare ups and pain livable. If they don’t listen or help move on. In fusions are an option as well I found helpful back a few years. Key is rheumatologist. Read the patient reviews!! Best of luck we have to be our own advocates. I had a Dr ? Me in diagnosis basicallly I lied haaa
GabbyFormica Community Admin
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Gabby (team member)