First off let me say that I’ve been in your exact spot more than one time. For years my drs have pushed exercise, telling me how much better I will feel. And I ignored them every time. (I’ve been diagnosed since 2012) In October, I started a weight loss journey and just started walking my dog. At first I tried to push myself. Those were the days I ended up feeling just like you. So I decided I was just going to listen to my body. Some days we walk half a mile. Some days we walk two miles. And I won’t say it gives me more energy but I have noticed I do feel a little better. Over the years I’ve tried all kinds of crazy things that my drs would say would help me. Hot yoga. NO. Weight training, no matter how low the weight. NO. But I don’t mind a stationary bike. Or a nice slow walk. But you just have to listen to your body. I haven’t walked for four days bc I’ve been on a bad flare. Thanks to the crazy weather. I’m hoping tomorrow will be better. I’m also hoping your figurative tomorrow (I am not sure when you wrote this or when you’ll see tnis) will be better as well.
As far as your dr not listening. This is one of my passions. It sounds like it is time to get a second opinion. When you have a dr who is no longer listening, or you don’t see eye to eye. It’s time to move on. But I encourage everyone to get a second opinion, especially when you are newly diagnosed. But also in cases like yours. We have to advocate for ourselves because there is no one who will advocate for us better!
Sending gentle hugs.
Amber B, RN ( team moderator)