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Hughes Syndrome & Throat Clunking

Have read many posts on forum and will add stuff myself soon about shared symptoms but besides the many stiffness and pains I have a problem with my throat clunking when swallowing, just on the right side, my consultants ignore this as with many symptoms outside of their knowledge but please does anyone on here have it.
Thanks in advance and will speak soon.

  1. That has to be rough to handle. I do have some swallowing problems usually when I am flaring. I also have bouts with thrush. I had to go to the ear nose and throat doctor to get it all cleared up. It could be a number of things. I don't want to say it's one thing or another. The ENT doc will definitely be able to help though. There are so many issues that come with that swallowing it's hard to tell. ~Racquel~ team member

    1. Hi Racquel, thanks for that, a problem shared is a problem halved. I'm in the UK and due to covid seeing any doc or consultant is a big problem. I had a stroke last June (due to Lupus/Hughes syndrome, sticky blood) and had so many MRi's, Cat scans and EEG's to establish the damage areas I think there is nothing in or around my head to find. Since my release, my lupus joint symptoms have flared, meds don't touch them and ibro's arn't allowed due to warfarin. I'm getting fed up but we will see, take care.

      1. I'm saddened to hear what you've been going through for the past several months. How are you healing/recuperating from your stroke?
        It's unfortunate that Lupus can attack any tissue anywhere in the body.
        As we wait for others to chime in with their personal experiences, I thought I'd share this article that touches on throat issues with lupus:
        Sending you all my best, Doreen (Team Member)

    2. Thanks Doreen, I hope to find and share others experiences and possible cures.
      I just want to make any Lupus sufferers aware about the Hughes syndrome, that caused the stroke and it was not diagnosed until after the stroke. It needn't of happened.
      Lupus sufferers should get it checked out before it causes this.
      It took years before they identified my lupus, then years later to find Hughes syndrome when it was almost too late.

      1. I'm sorry you had to go through that horrible experience.
        Thank you for being a part of this community and helping others by spreading awareness.
        Wishing you well, Doreen (Team Member)

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