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Brain Fog

I have such a difficult time in the store staying focused to follow my list. I have gone to my car and cried because I can't figure out what I am doing. Any pointers that will help me?

  1. I hear you, ! Brain fog can be an especially annoying Lupus symptom to deal with because it's poorly understood and can seem to come and go at any time. I wanted to share this post from one of our contributors on how she manages here brain fog -- And, while some of these tips are not geared specifically towards shopping, I thought you might still find them helpful -- Additionally, I hope other community members that deal with brain fog will see your post and chime in with their shopping tips. I know some folks shop with an understanding friend or shop when they are well rested and avoid peak busy times at the store. Some folks rely on phone lists to keep them on track. I personally like shopping early in the morning when I'm awake (for the most part 😉 ) and the stores are pretty empty. I find it easier to focus and stop in the aisles if I need to check my list or look something up in my phone.

    I hope you find some tips that help make your shopping trips a little more manageable.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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