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ANA positive 1:160

Hi all I’m new here. I have been treated for seronegative RA for six years and biologics haven’t helped. I finally got my rheumatologist to do an Avise test. The first part was negative and then second low likely for Lupus. But the other parts are positive. See below. I’m trying to find another rheumatologist bc she hasn’t listened to me. I have so many symptoms of Lupus. And then these positives. Can someone give me feedback please? Positive- I have another too

  1. First and foremost, welcome to this community. We're glad you found us!
    I'm saddened to hear challenging it has been for you.
    Unfortunately, we are unable to give medical advice over the internet (for your own safety). As you may be aware by now, lupus is extremely difficult to diagnose as there is no one lab test that can be used to definitely diagnose lupus. Doctors must look at a combination of test results plus the signs/symptoms before making a firm diagnosis. Some of the most common tests used to determine lupus are blood work, urinalysis, biopsy, and imaging. Your doctor may run some or all of these tests, sometimes several times, to diagnose and monitor lupus or to rule out other conditions. This article may provide some helpful information on testing and results: In the meantime, if you are able- a second opinion is always acceptable. Many in this community have discussed their need to pursue a second opinion.
    Once again, welcome to this community...reach out anytime, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. Welcome, I wish I could give you some advice on the labs. i would definitely find another Rheumatologist to help sort it all out. So many things other than lab tests go with getting a firm diagnosis. It can sometimes take a while due to the mimicking that lupus does. Once you find another doctor bring these tests and they will be able to help much more than I could. I hope it works out for you. ~Racquel~ team member

      1. I had an AVISE test in late 2020 and all of my results came back negative except for the ANA. But, like you, I have so many lupus symptoms. My doctor said it's not all that unusual. I later tested positive for early sjogrens antibodies (my doctor thinks I have both lupus and sjogrens syndrome). My doctor treats my symptoms, even if the labs don't necessarily show active disease, so I would definitely encourage you to find a doctor, if you can, that will listen to your symptoms and quality of life concerns first and foremost. I hope you get it all sorted out, I know how hard it is to suffer. Wishing you the best. -Ava, team

        1. I too have a positive ANA and the rest were negative. I have been told for 13 years that it was just fibromyalgia. I finally found a nurse practioner that listened to my story and couldn't believe that no one has ever helped me. He told me that the majority of people who have a positive ANA are having alot of symptoms usually have lupus. He told me the Avise test is just a guildline. It's more about the symptoms that you are experiencing. Continue your search for a provider that will help you.

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