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Multiple autoimmune diagnosis

I have psa arthritis. I was recently diagnosed with lupus. Can you take one biological that works for both? Is it possible to be prescribed 2 biological at the same time? Thank you!

  1. , Thanks for your question. You are definitely not the only person in our community living with both lupus and psa arthritis! Unfortunately, this is a complicated question to answer. I would highly suggest speaking with your doctor about your treatment plan. Everyone's body is different and reacts uniquely to various treatment plans. That being said, this article explains biologic treatment options for lupus: As of now the only two biologic treatments approved to treat lupus are Saphnelo and Benlysta. Neither of those medication brands are used to treat psa arthritis. Also, this article has some tips from community members of things they wish they new when they were newly diagnosed: I hope this helps!
    Gabby (team member)

    1. Thank for your timely response! I started Orencia yesterday. I was informed there is 1 non biological I can try for lupus. I also found out I am far from over for getting an actual diagnosis. Just Ana antibodies present. Thank you again!

      1. , Of course! Keep us in the loop and let us know if you have any other questions or concerns that pop up along your journey!
        Gabby (team member)

    2. I have AS, RA and SLE. I have gotten Benlysta infusions for about 8 years. My dr tells me we can’t treat the others at the same time. Just trying pain management stuff.

      1. , thank you for sharing your experience with multiple health conditions. I bet will find your input helpful. How is the pain management working for you? Are you getting some regular relief or at least a minimization of the pain?

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

    3. Community member 58f194

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