Here Comes the Sun and Big FlaresI went outside to feel the sun on my face. The energy from its rays was magnificent. The way the sun felt on my face was warm and comforting. I bathed...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
I Was Misdiagnosed 7 TimesThe first time I saw a doctor about my chronic illness, I was 22. I had just finished my first semester of graduate school. For months, my hair had clogged...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Was There a “Before Lupus” Version of Me?For a long time, I saw myself as either "before" or "after" when it came to lupus. There was before the diagnosis in 2017 and then afterward. There was also...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Finding Ways to Control Lupus SymptomsThis is a very intense topic to talk about. I have a lot of followers on Instagram that always ask about symptom control or the lack thereof. Their first thought...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Lupus and Mask-ShamingIt's been over 2 years since the start of the pandemic, and the world is starting to get back to normalcy. Restaurants, schools, airlines, and many more places have lifted...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
I Feel Exposed: Being Chronically DryOne! Two! Three layers of lotion on my boy every morning. My friend Melissa and Ben always laughed as they watched me lather lotion on my face as if it...Reactions0reactionsComments13 comments
Lupus Symptom BingoLupus can leave some people feeling out of control. You might experience flare-ups when symptoms worsen and other times when lupus symptoms are mild. This symptom bingo card is a...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Show Up for Yourself on Your Lupus JourneyOften, on our lupus journey, we forget about ourselves. We give so much to everyone in our lives. We are ultimately neglecting our own needs and desires. It's true. We...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Accepting I Have a DisabilityWhen I think of the word "disability," I often think of the universal symbol for disability: a simple blue picture of a person sitting in a wheelchair. Wheelchairs and other...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Lupus Advocacy: The Honest TruthAdvocacy for lupus can be overwhelming. Dealing with other people’s issues while battling your own can lead to advocacy burnout. Life as a lupus advocate is not easy. It is...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
What I Learned From Lupus Advocates During Our Instagram Live EventI am continuously impressed by my fellow advocates here on I enjoy reading their articles, and I'm encouraged when I learn about their life experiences with lupus. Recently, I...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
5 Things I Learned From My First Surgery as an Autoimmune PatientHave you had surgery before? Until a few weeks ago, my answer was simply that I had my wisdom teeth removed as a teenager. Sure, that was technically surgery, but...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
Are You Self-Gaslighting on Your Lupus Journey?Living with this chronic pain always has me questioning my body on my lupus journey. The chronic nature makes me more aware of every pain. I often find myself minimizing...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Therapy Is Not ScaryTherapy. The thought of going to talk to a stranger about your deepest darkest issues and traumas is daunting at best. But it is honestly so good and so therapeutic...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Self-Care and LupusThe World Health Organization defines self-care as: "the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
How I Beat Post-Exertional FatigueA month ago, I decided to change up my workout routine. Instead of my usual Pilates and light weight-lifting, I searched YouTube for workout videos and stumbled upon a beginner...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Soothing Self-Care Basket GiveawayThe Soothing Self-care Basket Giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your interest! To support 2 lucky community members in their lupus journey toward soothing self-care, we are giving away:...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Lupus Awareness Month 2022: Self-Care MattersMay is Lupus Awareness Month! While awareness is not limited to one month, all of May we will be sharing stories, starting conversations, and highlighting the importance of self-care for...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
My Video Demonstration of Self-Injecting a BiologicHave you ever wondered what it’s like to do a self-injection? Whether you are trying a biologic for the first time or switching from an infusion to a self-injection, it...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
My Experience With Digestive Issues and LupusAs we all know, our lupus symptoms can vary so much and will effect us all differently. I have found that it has played havoc with my digestive system over...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments