Hello! I’m really struggling with symptoms and no diagnosis. Just wondering if anyone has experienced any of these issues -
1. Costochondritis- dx in May 2020. I have recurring flare ups.
2. Positive ANA of 1:80 speckled pattern (positive but weaker side).
3. Slightly elevated protein in urine (usually the result for every urine test. Saw a kidney specialist who wasn’t concerned).
4. Red face, mainly cheeks and nose. I don’t think it looks like some of the butterfly rash pics I’ve seen, but definite facial flushing.
5. Salivary gland swelling and small cyst. Head and Neck Specialist asked if I had Sjorens Syndrome. Have eye appointment next week.
6. Bloodshot, dry itchy eyes (not constant).
7. Fatigue
8. Random joint and muscle pain.
9. Body wide tingling that sometimes feels like a prick on the skin, sometimes a burning sensation and other times an itch.
I did visit a Rheumatologist. I was asked a series of questions and told it was most likely the COVID vaccine that caused my positive ANA. They ran no blood tests and basically blew me off.
Do my symptoms sound like an autoimmune condition like lupus or sjorens? I am going to ask my primary for another referral to a different Rheumatologist and request blood work.