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Skin sensitivity

Hi Everyone!
Sooo i have SLE, as well as a multitude of other autoimmune diseases (I’m basically collecting them like Pokémon now). But, i recently have had intense and painful skin sensitivity on my hamstring. Its ONLY when my pants/shorts or anything rubs against it and its only on one leg. I do not believe it is shingles as theres no rash or marks or any indication of anything. My thought is, could this be Fibromyalgia or Allodynia. If the area is brushed against it burns and is painfully uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what have you done to relieve it? And, what could this be?.

  1. While I haven't personally experienced this, lupus rashes show up in all shapes and sizes. There are some treatment options in this article: Have you talked to your doctors about this symptom to see if they have any treatment ideas?
    Gabby (team member)

    1. I too have skin sensitivity on my back and buttocks. I too have been diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases. MCTD, SLE anf APS along with Chronic Lymes Disease, Chronic Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Chronic EBV (mononucleosis). Which ive had for 18 months. I slso tested positive for mold toxicity high in 5 categories. I have flare ups with my skin sensitivity. I cannot take getting hugs, they are painful for me. I've had two chiropractors tell me it's fibromyalgia.

      1. , Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I'm sorry to hear about all the pain and discomfort you are living with. Have your doctors recommended any treatment options for your fibromyalgia pain? Sending warm thoughts your way,
        Gabby (team member)

    2. Yes~ I have that pain- I call it allodynia - but not sure that’s what it is- it comes and goes and changes location. It almost feels like a scald- but no rash or hives. The area will hurt even without anything touching it. And then the next day it’s gone. No rhyme or reason what triggers it. But that seems to be the way Lupus torments us. So random- I felt like a hypochondriac with so many seemingly unrelated ailments-5 surgeries in past 3 years and last Fall finally getting diagnosed with Lupus. Lost my 24 year marriage as well. I now understand the phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Hang in there-distractions help me most- I hope your skin sensitivity disappears soon- maybe a Rheumatoligist or even distracting vacation can help you. I’d choose the distraction if you can!

      1. , It's so hard when you don't understand where the pain is coming from. Hard to avoid triggers if you don't know what they are! Thanks for sharing your experience and tips with us. I hope you also have been able to go on that distraction vacation you deserve!
        Gabby (team member)

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