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Shortness of breath and fatigue

My bloodwork is all fine and so are my lungs but I still get out of breath for stupid things and also wit that comes fatigue. Does anyone else have this problem?

  1. with not wit!

    1. ,
      We got ya, it happens to the best of us. ~ Doreen (Team Member)

    2. UGH!!!

  2. ,
    Shortness of breath/breathing issues are rather common symptoms of lupus.
    This article that may provide some interesting information:
    In addition, fatigue is probably the most talked about condition in this community.
    Lupus fatigue can be attributed to many things including: flares, inflammation, infection, gastrointestinal issues, medications, and lack of sleep due to pain (just to name a few).
    I'm including a link to an article that you may find helpful when dealing with shortness of breath and fatigue:
    As always we recommend bringing any new or changing symptoms to your healthcare provider's attention.
    Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. Thank you!

      1. The article is great...thanks again!

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