Hi thank you for submitting your question! There are many medical providers that are available both via telemedicine and within your local area. The American College of Rheumatology has a doctor search feature on its website and there are many medical providers listed within Indian. Here is the link for you to search: https://my.rheumatology.org/find-a-rheumatologist. If you are looking for additional telehealth services, you can find a step by step guide here: https://lupus.net/living/find-telehealth-services/.
Wishing you healing hugs!
-Lawrence (Lupus.net Team)
Ava Meena Member
Last Updated:
Hi - I hope we can help you find a great doctor! When I was diagnosed with lupus I found a support group through the Lupus Foundation of America, and when I walked into the first meeting they handed me a list of the most recommended rheumatologists in my city. This was compiled from years of experience from the group members.