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Plans for Thanksgiving

What are your plans to keep yourself stress free during thanksgiving?

  1. I am preparing a meal for two people and doing some Christmas decorations. Having to many people over can be stressful for anyone; keep your guess list between 4 to 6 people.

    1. good plan. Hope everything went smoothly! -Ava, team

    2. Thank you I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. ~Racquel ~ team member

  2. My plans were to do nothing and just show up to eat, haha! It worked out pretty well, although the traveling and visiting are always more taxing than I expect. What should be rejuvenating for me (and is for the rest of my family members) is exhausting and takes a while to recover from. It was still a good Thanksgiving, hope yours was too! -Ava, team

    1. Well I hope you have rested some. Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. Thanks ~Racquel~ team member

      1. Our son invited us to his new home for Thankgiving this year. He will be in charge of preparing/ making the turkey. My husband and I will bring the pies and mash potatos

        1. , that sounds lovely! I hope it was an enjoyable day and it's nice when you don't have to worry about hosting and clean up 😉 .

          Best, Erin, Team Member.

        2. Ahhh I hope you had a fantastic time. We did the same.
          We are new empty nesters and was happy to just bring a dish and be a guest. ~Racquel~ team member.

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