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Naturopathic medicine

Hello Warriors. Does anyone on the forum use naturopathic treatments, like meditation, exercise and nutrition? I have an appointment in a few days with a neurologist am not sure of medications that the doc may want to prescribe. TIA!

  1. Hi, ! I hope you get some helpful feedback from other community members. In the meantime, I wanted to share some basic information on various forms of natural/alternative treatments that people have used, with varying degrees of success -- I know some community members have found gentle exercise (yoga, tai chi, aquatic exercise in a pool, etc) to be wonderful ways to stay active but take it easy on the body's joints, so that's something you can consider. You can read a bit about the benefits of exercise when living with Lupus here -- And frankly, meditation is a great idea for pretty much anyone, so that's not a bad idea to try. Regular meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure and to help a person's overall mental health. Here's an article from one of our contributors on the potential benefits of meditation --

    Please feel free to come back and update us once you have visited your doctor and know what treatments he/she wants you to pursue. We're happy to talk through your medication options with you, too, once you know what you may be trying.

    I hope this helps!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thanks Erin. I'll keep you up to date.

      1. ,
        We'll be thinking of you and look forward to an update on your upcoming neurologist appointment. Warmly, Doreen (Team Member)

    2. Thank you Doreen.

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