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living with multiple auto immune disorders

I've recently been diagnosed with Lupus and started on Benlysta. Before I started with this rheumatologist, the previous one diagnosed me with psoriatic arthritis and I was on Remicade for 14 years. I also take methotrexate and sulfasalazine. The previous doctor never tested for lupus. I also have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, Fibro, CFIDS, PCOS, ankylosing spondylitis, and many other low back issues. I have had a total left knee replacement about 5 years ago and the right knee is starting to become very painful.

My question is how many of you also have multiple diagnoses, how can you tell if one or another or several of the conditions are flaring? Is there any treatment that covers the spectrum or am I going to always be trying to play catch up? I am so tired of being in pain and I would love to be able to walk down my street 2 houses and back without being in severe pain. 25 years ago I was walking 5 miles a day. If you can't already tell, I'm feeling a bit whiny. I'm only 60 years old and I am not ready to sit in a rocking chair in the corner, but I can't seem to find a way out of this pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue.

  1. , you don't sound whiny to me, you sound like you're going through a lot. You're in the right place, because this community has many people coping with the conditions you listed as well as lupus.

    As for your question about if there is one treatment that covers everything, or if there is a way to identify what condition is causing the flare, I am afraid the answers may differ depending on the person and the makeup of conditions they have. It sounds like you have a new rheumatologist- do you find you can talk to them openly about these issues?

    I would start here for your exploration of multiple conditions -

    It's possible others will have some tips for you!

    Please keep us posted on how you're doing - Liz ( Team Member)

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