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Low Ferritin

Hi everyone,

I’d like to start off by saying that I haven’t been tested for Lupus, nor have I raised concerns about it with my doctor. I have the following symptoms which I’ve put down to having low ferritin (without anaemia):

Restless/tired legs

Frequent headaches



However I also have a rash on my face (which is currently being treated as Rosacea), acid reflux, post nasal drip, itchy skin, back pain, TMJD, foot pain (along the side of my right foot hurts and sometimes is accompanied by nerve pain), gum inflammation.

I feel doctors at the moment don’t really have time to investigate… and who knows, perhaps each problem is unrelated.

My question is… I read a lot about how anaemia is common with Lupus. Has anyone been diagnosed with only low ferritin (sitting at a level of 13) and a normal RBC count?

Thank you!

  1. Hello. Usually when a person is diagnosed with lupus there are several things that doctors look at. Anemia is one of them, which is something that I had when I was diagnosed. You have multiple symptoms and some could be related to lupus. I would highly advocate for yourself because these are not normal. If its not lupus they need to figure out the root cause.

    Check out these articles to look into the other tests and symptoms to determine if you have lupus

    - Geri (, team member)

    1. Sorry you are dealing with all of this. I have dealt with this and it was very difficult to handle. I’m not sure if your issue is from lupus but I know mine was. I was already diagnosed with lupus when I had to deal with the anemia which was severe. I hope you are able to find a doctor that can get some answers for you. Until then please take care of your and work hard to be heard if you feel your body is off. ~Racquel~ team member

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