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Hi all. I need advice with Anti SS-A-RO reading. Mine came back at 91.

I’m new to this site. And I would great fully appreciate any advice concerning my very high reading of 91. For my SS-A -RO reading. Currently I’m on Amgevita 40mg weekly. Plaquenil 400mg daily. Bloods should have been done monthly. This is my first result in 6 months. Silly me. I also have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjögren’s syndrome. I’m waiting for a video conference call with my specialist witch may take some time. Any help with this matter will ease stress levels.

  1. , I'm sorry to hear that you lab results are not what you'd hope they'd be. It's hard to identify the root of the issue. I think the fact that you scheduled a call with your specialist is precisely what you should be doing! It's so hard when you are managing multiple autoimmune conditions at once. Everyone's body is different and unique to them, so finding the right treatment plan can be tricky. In addition to the medication you are taking, have you adjusted your nutritional habits? Some people find that the antiinflammatory diet helps them in their lupus management: I hop this helps, know you are doing what you can and that you are not alone!
    Gabby (team member)

    1. Thank you Gabby.
      I apologise for not getting back to your post earlier. I’ve been having some issues with my email. Sorted now. I do appreciate the advice you have given me. It’s good to know that I’m
      Not alone. King regards Fergus B.

  2. welcome to the forum. Some of the levels can be so different from person to person. It’s hard to say what’s going on from just numbers. I’m hoping you get some answers from your doctor. Please let us know what happens ~Racquel~ team member

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