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Need advice

I was recently diagnosed with lupus and I am currently am on plaquenil twice a day. I have been on this medication now for a total of 1 1/2 months now almost 2 months now. Why am I so tied all the time. Why does it always feel like my body is drained and I have no energy or ambition whats so ever? Is this normal?

  1. While we cannot provide medical advice, it sounds like you are dealing with fatigue, a common symptom of lupus. I’ll provide a link here to an article on fatigue. As always, if you’re experiencing any new symptoms, it’s a good idea to contact your healthcare provider in case they can give any helpful tips. — Samantha, Team

    1. Thank you I will check that

      1. Unfortunately the symptoms you are feeling are just a part of lupus. The fatigue and low energy are some of the hardest things to deal with. It will take some time to get used to. If it continues to be troublesome talk with your rheumatologist as it may be time to try something else treatment wise. Big hugs!

        Amber ( team moderator)

    2. i apperciate the help and information I will definitely talk to my doctor about this.

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