I am brand new here and wanted to get your thoughts on this. I am 42 and I've been having bilateral joint pain, muscle pain, and neuropathy in both hands for a few years now. I've had elevated rheumatoid factor in the past and had bursitis in one hip. I've tried every vitamin and mineral supplement, heathy eating, and exercising and finally went to the doctor last week to get the Avise panel done. The Avise panel came back all negative except two that were high equivocal. Those were the Anti dsDNA IgG and Anti B2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM. The family doctor sent a message to my chart that everything looked normal but I could use the diclofenac and see the rheumatologist if I wanted to. There's no way the pain I am having (again, I live a very healthy lifestyle) can be normal at 42 years old, but now I feel silly going to the rheumatologist. Has anyone here had a negative ANA and been diagnosed with any autoimmune disorder? I read that less than 2% of people have a negative ANA and have Lupus, but I also read on Johns Hopkins Lupus Page that the likelihood is high considering both of the tests that were abnormal are related. Thoughts?