My Experiences With Depression From BenlystaDespite my best efforts, Benlysta and I cannot get along. Benlysta (belimumab) is a biologic medication explicitly made for lupus. After relying on antimalarial (hydroxychloroquine) and immunosuppressant (azathioprine) medications for...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
3 Tips For Your First Rheumatologist VisitThe first time you hear that you need to see a specialist of any kind is scary. Your mind is reeling. What is going on? I have what? What does...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Types of Exercise for People Living With Lupus, Part 2As you progress and continue your exercise journey, you will find moving will become easier. In the first video, we looked at several exercises that focused on the major muscle...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Lupus Arthritis And Useless HandsQuite frankly, I'm fed up with my hands. I’m furious with them. Their pain, swelling, and stiffness have prevented me from doing so many things. Pain in my finger joints...Reactions0reactionsComments58 comments
The Connection Between MGUS, Lupus, and Rheumatoid ArthritisLiving with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis calls for constant learning. There is much to know about these complex illnesses, varying treatment options, and ways to improve quality of life. People...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Tips for Benlysta InfusionsSince 2011, people with lupus have had our very own biologic medication: Benlysta (belimumab). While it doesn’t work for everyone, many have found it to be an outstanding treatment for...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Spoon Theory ExplainedWhen someone brings up spoons, what is your first thought? My guess would be that you think about the piece of silverware. One that is used to eat things like...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Types of Exercise for People Living With Lupus, Part 1Exercise can not only improve the quality of life for people who are healthy, but exercise can decrease pain, fatigue, depression and much more for lupus patients. I have found...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
10 Things Not to Say to Someone with LupusLupus is an invisible illness, one that you cannot just notice by looking at someone. A disease that may not affect one's appearance, but it affects how their body feels...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Digestive System and LupusI have had issues with my digestive system plenty of times. I have had something called gastritis. Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach. The symptoms of this condition are nausea...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Dental Health and LupusAutoimmune diseases like lupus occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks itself. For people with lupus, these attacks commonly cause fatigue and joint pain. However, people with lupus also have...Reactions0reactionsComments21 comments
Take the Connected Health Survey!In the digital age, there are so many devices, websites, and technologies related to health. From fitness trackers to mobile apps, we use connected health technology to track symptoms, monitor...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Describing The Worst Days With Chronic PainIn September of 2019, Health Union (the parent company of partnered with the US Pain Foundation for our first ever Chronic Pain In America survey to ask members of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Diet Considerations for LupusIf you are a lupus patient, chances are, you have tried a diet trend at some point. You might have gone gluten-free or vegan. You might have eliminated red meat...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Infographic: Pain Management Treatment and CareIn September of 2019, Health Union (the parent company of partnered with the US Pain Foundation for our first ever Chronic Pain in America survey to ask members of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What Do You Know About Rheumatic Diseases?What is a rheumatic disease? A rheumatic disease is an autoimmune and inflammatory condition that causes the body’s immune system to attack a person’s joints, muscles, bones, and organs. There...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
3 Things I Struggled With After Being Diagnosed With LupusWhen the doctor said, "you have lupus,” I felt like the floor dropped out from underneath me. At our first appointment, he’d told me that lupus was his suspected diagnosis...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Importance of Managing Blood Pressure With LupusHeart complications are more common in people with lupus than in the general population. These complications include heart disease, heart attack, cerebrovascular disease, and stroke. They are leading causes of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Family Planning with LupusFamily planning can be a tricky, delicate subject for many people. Having lupus only makes the matter more challenging. While it does not mean that children are not a possibility...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Lupus And A Sense of ControlWe recently surveyed hundreds of people with lupus to find out more about their daily experiences, diagnosis journey, symptoms, and how it all affects life in general. The results from...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments