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I have been in a flare for awhile now... I have pain in my back, urine test show blood in my urine, fatigue, chest pain here and there, nausea, bowls are crazy. I have been in recovery since 2018 and no the stigma behind going to the ER because I am very open and letting Doctors know what I can not have... Pain meds are a huge no for me but at the same time when is enough enough. Im a peer recovery specialist and work at a Prevention Coalition... having to take pain meds scares me so much. I still have so many tests and dr.s to see but everything is pointing to SLE. I will take any suggestions you may have Please and thank you.
Erin Rush Community Admin
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I know I replied to another update you shared the other day, but I promise I'm not stalking you 😉 .
I had hoped you'd get a little more input from other community members, but somedays, this community can be a little quiet.
I know I said it in my other reply to you, but congratulations on all your hard work to get and stay in recovery! I have a number of addicts in my family and I know it's hard to get and stay clean, so kudos for what you have done. And that you are paying it forward to others working towards recovery! How awesome is that?
That said, I would like to think your doctors would listen to you about your health concerns. I find that recovering addicts are some of the most honest, least b.s. people you will ever meet and they know their bodies very, very well. So, keep pushing for that testing to get done . . . asap.
When it comes to pain relief, well, that part may be extra challenging. It can be hard to get a handle on pain on a good day, let alone when you are limited in what medications you can use. BUT. Getting a diagnosis (whether it's Lupus or another condition) will help your doctors start creating a treatment plan and treatment can potentially offer you some relief from the pain and other symptoms you are experiencing. It's not a guarantee, but treatment can help.
Are you able to take steroids? I ask because many doctors will prescribe Prednisone for a certain length of time to bring down the inflammation in the body, which can also really help (temporarily) with the pain.
Best, Erin, Team Member.
P.S. I also hope you are doing better by now. I know your post is a few days old now.
MeganE Member
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Thank you so much... my sobriety is so very important to me and keeping my job to help others get clean and stay clean so Im trying my hardest. Thank goodness I have an amazing boss who lets me work from home when needed. All my blood work came back positive for Lupus just went into straight denial and mad at God of course because I feel I got my life back on track just to be told I have another disease that can kill me so I shut down.. I didn't want to hear it.. I just went on with life thinking that Covid is the reason and this is not true... well... Its finally hit me... I mean... Ive lived with pain for awhile but nothing like this. I feel my kidneys are getting a good hit right now so trying in this rural town of crappy grocery stores and all fast foods to eat as healthy as I can and try to work out or at least go for walks but living in TN its not easy right now with this heat either lol. I use to live in FL but I feel this heat is just way more unbearable. Anyway, Thank you for reaching out to me... This all helps out so much seeing that im not crazy and what I am feeling is real. Thank you again for reaching out to me.
Oh... and yes... us recovering addicts def. don't BS and tell the truth... we may be treated dif. by doing so but I don't care... I love where I am now and Im proud of the person Ive become. God Bless.
Doreen H Community Admin
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This community understands how overwhelming a new (or potential) diagnosis can be.
When it comes to lupus the symptoms and severity can vary greatly from person to person. Additionally, there are several complementary and alternative treatments that can help people with lupus manage pain and joint stiffness. This article may provide some helpful information:
I truly admire your perspective, openness and dedication to help others. Please know this community is here for you to provide help and support.
~Doreen (Team Member)
Michelle99 Member
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Racquel H. Dozier Member
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bngood Member
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Congratulations on your sobriety.