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Urinary Frequency

Does anyone else have bladder issues? I'm up between 3-5 times a night.

  1. ,
    You're definitely not alone! One of our advocates wrote a two part article about her experience with urinary issues and getting frequent UTI's, I will include the link in case you are interested in reading more. . Lupus seems to have an impact on every system in the body, and manifests itself differently in each person. Have you gotten a chance to talk to your doctor about this concern to see if they have any advice to help manage or treat this symptom?
    Sending hugs!
    Gabby (team member)

    1. I am on some medication that makes me go to the bathroom often. It could be lupus related, medicine related or other issues like diabetes. I would definitely ask your doctor about it. Also, how much liquid are you having before bed? That could really cause some night ups and down. Hopefully your doctor can give some insight. ~Racquel~ team member

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