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Undiagnosed, SLE?

Hello all,

My wife's Nuclear Antibody Titre is 1:320 (Homogenous pattern) and her follow-up tests showed the following:

dsDNA Antibody : 16 IU/mL

B2 GlYCOPROTEIN 1 lgG ANTIBODY: >115.0 u/ml

The ENA Screen result is positive but all 6 ENA results are negative.

C3 and C4 test results were normal

We have a follow-up with the doctor coming soon, and she has been experiencing joint pains without swelling, redness, and/or rashes. I'm concerned and hope we get to the root cause soon. Does the results indicate that she may be suffering from mild/mid SLE ? TIA.

  1. Thanks for your question. Not being a doctor I couldn't really tell you exactly what her numbers mean. A positive ana doesn't necessarily mean lupus. It just means there may be some inflammation present. Since there isn't one test that can determine lupus there are other things looked at for a diagnosis. This article tells a lot there are also criteria that is looked at to reach a firm diagnosis. Here are some here>>

    I hope that her visit goes well and that some clarification is found. Thanks for your post. ~Racquel~ lupus team member

    1. Thank you so much

      1. no problem please let us know how it all goes. ~Racquel ~ lupus team member

    2. Just to close the loop on this one, we had a follow-up with the doctor today and the diagnosis was APS, and the treatment regimen would be to be on Aspirin 81 mg for a foreseeable future. Based on the clinical and lab data, the doctor could not reach a specific conclusion on Lupus but suggested that it’s progressing towards the same.

      We were given a choice to choose Plaquenil now or monitor for 2 months. We've outweighed the benefits over the risks and made an informed decision to be on Plaquenil, sooner rather than later. We will have her eye’s tested to establish a baseline and monitor the progress accordingly( every 1 year perhaps).

      I was anxious, and the last few months have been a rollercoaster ride for us. I hope her treatment regimen shall improve her QoL while minimizing the future risk of APS. We shall keep a close eye on the side effects if any - fingers crossed. She was also asked to take Vitamin D 2000 ICU daily.

      I wish everyone the best outcome possible.

      I really hope the baby Aspirin and Plaquenil regimen will keep a tab on her Lupus progression. Thank you so much!

      1. well I am glad you all have some answers and a treatment plan. Good luck to you both. ~Racquel ~ lupus team member

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