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Swollen hand and foot

In 2016 my left hand swelled up in ED white count high they did surgery on wrist no infection present. Recent see swelling of right hand and left foot in ED decided not to do surgery given high dose of Prednisone it worked. Has anyone had symptoms like this?
Swollen right hand

  1. ,
    That looks so uncomfortable.
    Unfortunately, swelling and inflammation are all too common with Lupus.
    I hope others will chime in here with their personal experiences.
    In the meantime, I thought I'd share this article that you may find interesting:
    My best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. I've learned it would be better to go to my Rheumatologist but can't always get in right away thus end up in the ED. They recommend talking to my doctor about biologic trmt.

      1. ,
        It is frustrating when we hear of the length of time it takes to get seen by specialist (most especially rheumatologists). There are times when you have no alternative but to be seen by the ED.
        Are you currently undergoing treatment? I think it would be great to discuss your options with your healthcare provider.
        Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

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