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Sinius problem, hearing problems, feeling awful.

I've googled and it does say you can have fullness in your head, talking is scratchy, hearing is like you're in a barrel. Feel awful, weak in the knees.

  1. Hey, !

    I am sorry you are dealing with sinus problems. If you are on any immune suppressant treatments to manage your Lupus or other conditions, you are more prone to illness and you may be dealing with some type of sinus infection. I don't want to try to diagnose you over the internet, for your safety, but it definitely sounds like you have some sinus problems that should be addressed.

    Sinus problems are not directly a Lupus symptom, but there could be a few reasons you are experiencing this (one that I already mentioned).

    Have you been to the doctor about the sinus issues yet?

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. yes, I'm seeing my doctor next week.

      Thanks for the information. That's a great help

  2. Oh goodness. Sinus infections are the worst. My sister and I have a sinus infection every 4-6 weeks at least. They can cause a fullness in your head, feeling like you have a cold, sore throat, difficulty hearing, dizziness(which I always seem to have and being dizzy is one of the worst feelings in the world. I will die on that hill), as well as headaches, and tenderness on your forehead and where your sinuses lay on your face. Along with other symptoms, I’m sure I am forgetting some. If you feel like you have one I would call your dr bc it can need antibiotics to get rid of. I really hope you get to feeling better soon. Sending Big hugs!

    Amber RN, BSN, Team Member

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