Hi there hope your all well. I been having widespread shooting type pains muscle aches very distressing but not severe but enough to mentally stress me out a lot and on and off burning sensation mostly in feet and hands. Have a long history of chronic anxiety which I know can cause some crazy symptoms. I’ve had blood tests and ANA came back borderline which I know can happen in normal healthy people then they sent for DSDNA which came back elevated at 97 I believe this can go up to over 400 but my ENA came back negative. Obviously I broke down thinking I have lupus but now being told I don’t fit the criteria as I don’t have the clinical symptoms or that of other conditions and all my full bloods came back normal. Just wondering if anyone had any experience or advice with this? Don’t have a family history of autoimmune disease and I’m a 33 year old healthy male and I know lupus can be rare. I’ve been taking PPI’s for a long time and have seen although rare can be a cause of drug induced lupus as I can’t understand how I would have this. I appreciate any feedback and answers. Best wishes. Jordan