Hello all, I was recently diagnosed with lupus by my rheumatologist after years of Dr's and pain and searching with no answers. After seeing her since January and having multiple labs done combined with new and worsening symptoms she said were looking at a big picture of lupus and started me on a lupus med. She also order additional bloodwork that consisted of a extensive ENA panel... that panel came back negative. So I guess I'm just looking for answers while I wait for her office to get back with me... if the ENA was negative what does that mean? It tested the ones that were specific to lupus amongst other connective tissue diseases. All negative. Does it mean I'm out of a flare now? Or did she misdiagnose me? This autoimmune stuff is very confusing and I'm just trying to understand the significance of ena when it comes to diagnosing lupus. Don't get me wrong, I do not want lupus, it's a awful disease. But I also don't want to get thrown back into the pool I was drowning in of we have no idea what's wrong with you therefore there is no treatment therefore you will continue to suffer and be made to feel like a freaking anxiety basket case for trying to seek help. If someone more informed than I could help me understand what ENA is and what it means to be negative after you have been diagnosed I would really appreciate it, thank you.