I was diagnosed with lupus, mixed connective tissue disease and Raynaud Disease in 2019 after my daughter became bedridden for a year and after several doctors said there wasn't anything wrong with, that she was just lazy. So I went to a doctor that knew my mother's history and had blood work done, so I could take the results to my daughter's doctor and finally she was diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease, but 2 months ago her medicaid was cut off because she wouldn't quit college and go on disability so now she can no longer go to the doctor and I have not seen a doctor since I was diagnosed. As I'm posting this I've been up unable to sleep for 37 hours and this happens atleast once a week because of the insomnia and the chronic pain I'm in. I don't have a support system, my mother passed away a week after my diagnosis from complications from lupus and my husband thinks I'm overreacting that I just need to get over it.i can't afford to go to the doctor and I really don't know how much more I can take. I can't stop working because my husband only puts more stress on me.i can't leave because I don't have anywhere or anyone. I'm so tired of feeling like this, I just don't know what to do anymore. Anyone else going through anything like my situation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also I could have selected atleast 20 of the categories