\n","dateModified":"2023-05-30T19:59:31.652908Z","dateCreated":"2023-05-30T19:59:31.652908Z","datePublished":"2023-05-30T19:59:31.652908Z","commentCount":4,"keywords":["Butterfly Rash"],"url":"/forums/malar-rash","image":{"@id":"/forums/malar-rash#primaryimage"},"mainEntityOfPage":"True","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://lupus.net#webpage"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"CommunityMember5785d0"}},{}]}
This is my first time here. I’ve been struggling to find reasons for the way I have felt for a long time. I have family history of RA and have been screening for 15 years. I recently had a positive ANA and it kinda freaked me out. I’ve been getting low positive rheumatoid factor, high white blood cells, and high sed rate off and on for a quite a while. Here’s a photo, feedback is appreciated. (History of asthma, allergies, excema so I had brushed this rash off.)