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Is this a malar rash?


I was tested for lupus 8 years ago as I had a series of symptoms that were growing concerning, and my mother has lupus. Tests proved negative.

3 years ago I was diagnosed with Celiac disease (blood, no biopsy).

I have recently had my face rash come back, but, much brighter than before. Additionally, I developed a patch of dry skin on my thigh. I have fatigue when my rash flares.

Just had a full blood panel drawn today and am awaiting results, however, wanted to see if these photos look familiar to anyone.

Thank you!

  1. Hi, !

    First off, I am sorry you are experiencing some symptoms that have led you to get some testing. I know dealing with health issues and not knowing what the cause is can be frustrating. So, I do hope the tests are conclusive, whatever the diagnosis may be.

    We can't provide medical diagnosis or advice, for your safety, so I can't say that your rash is definitely a malar rash. Since your mom has Lupus, you may be familiar with what a malar rash looks like. And I can say that the rash you are experiencing looks similar to the malar rash photos other people have shared.

    I do hope those test results come back quickly so you can get to the bottom of what's going on!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi ,
      I wanted to check in and see how things are going.
      I'm sure you have many questions and concerns, so I added a few links that may provide some helpful information: and
      Hopefully, you might have received some answers (and relief) by now.
      Please know we are thinking of you and hope you will keep us updated when you get a chance.
      All my best, Doreen (Team Member)

      1. yes it it or was just part for your strength to get through it all 💜

        1. I’m not diagnosing you however, I have a very similar rash on my face and I do have Lupus.
          Prayers and hugs!

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