I will try to keep this short but here’s the back story before I ask questions. I’m a 32 year old female.
May of last year- I started having symptoms identical to menopause, periods stopped, essentially had no estrogen. But super low estrogen and symptoms were the only thing wrong. BESIDES my ITP flaring up, mildly, just some blood pools under the skin. I suffered a bad attack 3 years ago with a brain bleed and almost didn’t make it. Recovered with steroids and never saw it again- until the wild symptoms came up. Hot flashes, weight gain, you name it! So I got on hormones and my periods came back, felt way better. Until about March, noticed I still didn’t feel right (hair loss, edema got worse, severe bone pain and swelling, tender breasts, cramping and feeling sore even off my cycle, lost of ITP flares, heat palpitations every week once or twice) so I made an appointment with my ONGYN but had to wait almost 2 months to see her. Giving her ALL my blood work from a year, my mom’s history, all the symptoms and ITP flare ups, she told me perimenopause wasn’t possibly bc I had normal FSH hormones. She then asked if I have ever had an ANA test for autoimmune diseases. I told her they might have done it in the ICU when I had ITP but she said something else could have developed later on and to get the test done right away and seemed concerned if it were to come back positive. Well, it came back positive and specifically for Lupus. After much research, it all makes sense now. I’m waiting for her response and to see the specialist.
I got bloodwork done from my hormone dr and I noticed my protein level was high. And I see that it’s related to kidney damage and that is super dangerous. I’m so scared. I have to wait to get insurance and try and see someone but I have a grave feeling that going untreated for over a year plus my symptoms- it has attacked a lot of things inside me that I’m unaware of. Anyone else have similar experience with the kidney and heart stuff?