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High heart rate

Hi there,

I have been experiencing varying symptoms for many years. Hair loss, mouth ulcers, ache pains (particularly bad knees and hands and wrists), extreme fatigue, migraines, brain fog, and recurring infections, among other things. Go to doctors when I feel rubbish but have never listed all of my symptoms altogether. Then I feel a bit better, ignore my symptoms, feel like a hypochondriac, and the cycle goes on.

Recently I have developed a rash over my face, I have for a long time experienced rashes on my neck and other parts of my body. But never my face, and I ignore them and think oh, that’s just how I am.

Anyway went to the doctor today about this face rash, and she specifically said, this and all the other symptoms you have listed (for example, the first time I mentioned hair loss I just thought I had crappy hair) point to Lupus. Because my symptoms are so varied, I’ve never connected the dots or put them in relation to one another. Like why would my hair loss be related to my bad knee? I’m 32, by the way.

I’ve never really heard of lupus before however, doing some research, I’m like, that is me. I have so many symptoms and feel like a light bulb went off in my head. I have been feeling poorly on and off, I think, for about 6 years. I feel old before my time it’s really quite depressing. I am having an ANA blood test, I think it’s called, next week. I’ve never had one before they always check my iron levels and my thyroid. My thyroid is always fine, iron levels never are they give me iron tablets and send me on my way.

Anyway, sorry for rambling on. While at the doctor's, she pointed out my heart rate was extremely high. She basically scolded me for not ever coming to the doctor about my heart rate before. Long story short, I’ve got to go for an ECG next week and some scans. My question is, has anyone with a diagnosis of lupus had a high heart or issues with their heart? I am a little worried about that because lupus has never been considered before. If I do have it and it has been left untreated, I'm worried that it will have already caused damage to my heart. My grandad died of a heart attack at age 49. For the first time in my life, I feel genuinely worried that I have something seriously wrong. Not only chronic fatigue.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. I know people aren’t doctors on here but is my story similar to any of yours? Do you think lupus could really be the reason for my ongoing issues?

  1. Hi - Welcome to and thank you for posting. I'm happy to hear that you were able to get into the doctor and that they have been taking what's going on seriously. It sounds like you have a lot going on!

    Many of the symptoms you have described can be related to lupus. That does not necessarily mean you have lupus (only your doctor can tell you that), but from what I'm hearing, it does sound plausible.

    You had mentioned hair loss as a problem right now, which unfortunately many people with lupus struggle with. You can check out this article here about managing it:

    I'm also happy to hear that you are getting an ANA test. Fingers crossed that will give you more clarity as to what is going on. Ninety-seven percent of people with lupus test positive on the ANA test, which is why it is often used. If you want to read more about it, check out this article: There is also some information about other blood tests on that page as well.

    Additionally, I know you mentioned your heart rate was elevated. If in fact you do have lupus, it is important to keep monitoring your heart health closely. Here is an article about that: Compared to their peers, people with lupus are more likely to develop heart disease than people of similar age and gender without lupus.
    We have lots and lots of information here in our forums and across our site. Please take your time to familiarize yourself with it, and reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Our community is always here to support you if you need anything.
    Lastly, if you have any questions about this information or the links I have given, feel free to respond to this post or send me a private message. Happy to help in any way that I can.

    Wishing you well,
    - Cody (Team Member)

    1. Hi Cody

      Thank you so much for your reply. I’ll certainly check out those links.
      I am feeling particularly horrible today and tonight and feeling really sad. My face rash has become worse. I know this sounds really shallow but I have always had great skin. It was the one thing that got me through all these years of rubbish hair. Now I have neither feeling very sorry for my self.

      I have also come down with the most agonising hip/ side upper leg pain. Have you ever experienced this? This is new symptom for me, I’ve had aches and pains before but never there and to this extent. I can barely walk up stairs! I don’t know what’s happened but since this face rash has appeared I feel like I’m falling apart I’ve never felt this fatigued and poorly! Is this the start perhaps of my real lupus journey and before my symptoms were just a trial run so to speak.

      I guess I’ll find out soon.

      1. I have had many of the symptoms you describe over the years. I was diagnosed in my mid 30s. Thirty years later, I've learned how to manage my energy & care. I hope that you get a definitive diagnosis of some kind soon. Look for a physician who will listen to your concerns, educate yourself, and follow your doctor's advice. If you do those things and are willing to allow yourself rest when you need it, I'm sure that you can feel much better. It may take some time, but improvement is possible. Hope you feel better soon!

        1. sending you gentle hugs. Welcome to the forum. It’s so hard to pinpoint what is lupus related honestly. I haven’t personally had issues with my heart but I know of some warriors that have. Lupus can cause some many issues within our bodies with ant and every organ. I hope that when you go into the doctor they are able to give you a definite diagnosis to vegan appropriate treatments. Let us know how it goes. ~Racquel~ team member

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