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Flare ups

I only found out about a year ago that I have Ra and Lupus they have me on Hydroxychlrorquine but I was wondering what do other people with Lupus are taking and when they get a flare up what is given to them.

  1. , While we wait for other members of the community to chime in, I thought I would share an article we have that highlights how some of our patient leaders manage their flare-ups: Hope these tips are helpful!
    Gabby (team member)

    1. Hey there! I was on Hydroxychloroquine for a long time. Just recently had to stop due to my eyes. They started showing some damage. I am sure you are but just in case, I wanted to say that it’s very important to get an eye exam yearly! I was always on the Hydroxychloroquine with in combination with other meds. It is basically the gold standard that everyone with lupus is given. Most people are given steroids when they flare. Also many are told to take ibuprofen or another NSAID( the class of meds that ibuprofen is in). But always check with your dr before you take anything. These are just based on what I’ve been prescribed over the last ten years. Hope this is semi helpful LOL!

      Amber ( team moderator)

      1. Thank you and I have a eye appointment September 29th and I am seeing a change like even though I sit close to my TV it's blurry when I go to the store I can't see what is in the isles the sign is blurry. I had to switch Dr's because my new insurance changed well that took a month so I called the new Dr office and they can't see me until April 7th so now I have to find another Dr they should of told me that when I was trying to get my records over there 🙃 I'm going to see if my Dr I was seeing will keep doing my refills but I do know she won't give me something for my flare up and I can't afford to see her because she is not on my list of Dr's being a senior citizen is awful. I want to say ty to everyone on this group I am so glad I joined ☺️ 😊

        1. , We are grateful you are here too! I'm sorry you are dealing with changing doctors and insurance issues! I hope you are able to get your refills and see a good doctor in your network soon!
          Gabby (team member)

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