Hey all. Last year in July I had COVID and I really struggled with it, I got very sick. I had COVID for 4 weeks. My boyfriend and doctor pushed for me to get a full physical and blood panel as they felt like there had to be some underlying conditions with me. I kinda brushed them both off and my body began to go through so aches, pains and changes that were not normal. I just figured I was dealing with “Long COVID” as they say. After months of dealing with the abnormal pains, I finally got to the point that it was now unbearable and I couldn’t go any further. I contacted my doctor and yesterday I was diagnosed with “Lupus” and I’m waiting to see a specialist. I am currently out of work as the pain and dealing with this is so overwhelming.
In 2012 I was approved for disability 100%, but choose to go back to work because I felt I was too young and wanted to continue working as I felt I had more years to give. Now, with Lupus I would like to add this and re-file. Does anyone know what I need to do or can refer me to someone who can help. I’m in NC.