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Diagnostic testing

I am just curious as I continue through the possibility of a lupus diagnosis…. How many people used the lab SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab testing high at 1.3 as part of your final diagnosis? I have zero typical symptoms of SCLERODERMA but was told it’s can be used as part of a Lupus diagnostic tool. TIA ❤️

  1. Great question. As I understand it the SCL-70 is mostly used to determine Scleroderma. It has been used in some lupus patients that exhibit those antibodies and have a history of scleroderma. I have never had this specific test amazingly since my father had scleroderma. I recently read a study talking about this that talked about a subset of lupus patients that had an Anti-Scl-70 antibody present. So, I'm not sure if it is really used to determine lupus more than it is used to determine that someone does not have lupus. Hope you get some answers soon. ~Racquel~ team member

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