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Depression loneliness falling
Yup fell don't know what happened it was like I passed out. Im having so much fun not really. Thank you so much for making me feel like I'm understood means a lot 💜 hugs to everyone who is dealing with disease. I do know I'm not the only one.

  1. Well, nuts, ! I am so sorry you fell! And I am sorry you are dealing with loneliness and depression today, too. Some days just plain suck, don't they?

    Please know you're not alone in this. I hope your day/week/month gets better but even if it doesn't please know you can come here anytime to vent.

    Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Ty for your support sometimes it's a life line for me💜

    2. , more than happy to help in any way I can. We all need a place to vent and/or feel supported.

      Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

  2. im so sorry to hear you had a fall . do you have help ? or are you alone? Can you get into a specialist or have you been to a doctor?

    1. I do have help Ty it just happened rather quickly it almost felt like I blacked out for a sec I remember going to the bathroom and I wasn't feeling well walked back and boom my dog barked and my hubby was home I have bruises everywhere and pain in my back this disease is hideous! Ty for the support. I go see my Dr on the 9th but really I feel it will be just another 💊
      Have a great day

  3. im so sorry this happened aye! its shit that feeling another tablet I get it it , when I hear im on a cocktail of meds I feel like a junkie and only one of them is a painkiller and its a patch on my arm , dont get down at all. just try taking it easy and try not getting up as fast remember im thinking of you , i been stuck in bed nearly half this year im calling myself a 'mattress monster atm lol' if the cheer up helps msg me we can have a laugh and try not think of the negative

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