My journey with Lupus has given me Interstitial Lung Disease, Lupus Nephritis (stage 5 right now), MGUS, and Fibro. I'm fortunate to have the Team of Doctors that I do. A brilliant Rheumatologist locally, a Pain Mgt Doctor (that has me on Norco 10-325), as well as Doctors I visit at the University of Washington/Seattle quarterly. After the local Rheumatologist said that trying CBD and/or weed gummies might help.... I did. For me the relief of 18mg THC gummies was well beyond my expectations, and I thought I'd found my "golden ticket".
The issue arose when I mentioned to my Pain Mgt Doctor that I had tried weed gummies, and how much they had helped my pain. He immediately said "don't say another word!" And then explained that IF he were to give me a blood test, and it revealed any level of THC, then my federal law he would be required to IMMEDIATELY cease my pain med script, and I would be required to turn over any pain/narcotic medication I might have. He also told me that "random" testing is required annually for anyone on narcotics. WHOA! A perfect example of the clash we face between traditional and progressive medicine. In my state recreational weed is legal, and I could also get my medical weed card.... however, either of those come with restrictions that affect other parts of my life, which I am not prepared to endure.