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i did 4 treatment of the iv infusion and lost all my hair and Im devestated and my doctor said it wasnt that and i told her im not taking no more so since then she very abbrassive towards me I want to leave and not go anymore

  1. Oh, goodness, . I am so sorry you are experiencing hair loss. There were no reports of hair loss with Benlysta during clinical trials, but there have been three reported cases of hair loss since the medication went into wider use.

    Whether Benlysta has caused your hair loss or not, you have the right to stop the medication if you feel it is not the best fit for you. And your doctor should respect your decision. Sometimes, you have to stair step off of medications, for your safety, but there was no need for your doctor to be abrasive with you.

    Also, hair loss can occur with Lupus and that might be the cause of the hair loss you are experiencing. You can read a bit about it here -- But again, you deserve to be treated with respect by your doctor and to have your concerns addressed respectfully.

    You may want to try another doctor, but I do hope you won't give up on getting the healthcare you need and deserve.

    Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

    1. thank you please im praying for me nd you I have applied for disability bc the lupus has affected my heart im only42 and organs are failing so im trying to hold on

      1. , keep hanging in there! I do hope your disability request is approved!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

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